Thursday, June 14, 2018

Mom Tips for Summer outdoors with a toddler

Summer = Sand, Sea, Sea Gulls and Sun !
And all the fun that comes with it!!
After Christmas, it may be the “most wonderful time of the yeeeaaarr” πŸ˜€
Though there is a tonne of fun to be had, there are also few basic important things us parents need to take care of before we launch our kiddos on these advetures.
Below is a small make-sure-you-do-it list I double check everytime we take my son to the beach:
πŸ–SUN PROTECTION πŸŒžSunscreen: 
Summer is lots of time in sun. Hence sun protection is on the top of my list. It is essential not just for adults but for the super soft, super sensitive baby skin as well. 
No matter what your kids's age, make it a top priority to lather up the sunscreen 15mins before you head out.
A good waterproof (and tear proof) sunscreen with as high spf as possible for all over the body is a MUST. There is a huge variety available in the market. I have used @Neutrogena for myself and hubby and have been very pleased with it. For my toddler,  I use @coppertoneusa and love it! It smells great, is water proof and no tears ! It comes in cream, spray or stick form. Whichever is convenient to you!
This one is for kids with sensitive skin who easily get tanned or even sun burnt. 
On a beach, I prefer my son in a full sleeve swim suit with a good UVF rating. Also, a sun hat with a good UVF rating.
UVF is sun protection rating for fabrics for protection from UVA - UVB rays.
Our hat is from @bananaboatbrand and comes with an adjustable head width band. Fits right and doesn’t fly away in the ocean breeze!
You can use whichever style your kid enjoys. Make sure it fits well, can be tied beneath the chin ( so as not to fly way against the wind) and is not heavy for their head!
Goes without saying, hydration is important for long hours on the beach. So stock up on lots of drinks, juices or smoothies in an insulated box. 
Incurate a habit of taking small sips every 15-20 mins. That way, they don't gulp it all in one go and are constantly hydrated as well.
Kids favored beach-proof (or any outdoors) snacks can be yogurts, cheese sticks, chips, veggie straws, smoothies, whole fruits that can be rinsed and eaten.πŸŽπŸπŸπŸ‡πŸŒ
And although there is no fun in footwear on the beach but getting to your favorite spot can be more comfortable in flip flops. πŸ‘£ 
However, your toddler may be more comfortable in closed toe shoes when going to the playgrounds, hikes or other outdoor fun with you, to prevent that occasional painful toe-stub. 
The huge beach ones for the grown ups, a poncho towel for easy coverage while changing your kids clothes or just covering them up AND a few dry hand towels. ‼️In my experience, when a kid throws sand in the air, it always gets in his eyes and dry towels are best to dust it off.
They also serve as cover up to be shielded against the sun or the cool wind! or even a cool cover when that kid falls asleep back in the car seat :D
These are all additional conveniences but extremely helpful. I have dragged a full stroller on beach a few times and learnt my lessonπŸ˜‚πŸ™ˆ
Beach mat is sand n water proof , just shake it off, roll up and you are good to go. I have a nice foldable one that folds neatly into a small square and I keep it in my car boot. Picnic, beach, backyard.. works everywhere !

A must ! You may not always find soap and clean water for washing hands. And kids are forever putting their hands in dirt, mud, sand, stones, what not ! You don't have to apply sanitizers every freaking 15 mins but atleast before they sit down to eat or have a snack. The pocket hand sanitizers come in various colours and fragrances and make it fun for kids to actually use them. 

πŸ– Trash bags / plastic spreads for car
I always carry a small bag in my purse to put trash like cookie wrappers, lollipop wraps, half eaten fruit, for places where we can"t conveniently locate a trash bin. Also helps in the car!
Just collect everything and throw it in the bin on your way back home.
Also, post those beach trips, we mostly have muddy or sand filled feet/shoes.
I have a big plastic spread (that I just made by slicing a fresh garbage bag) that I put underneath the back seat in the leg space. Helps make the car clean up easier.

Thats all really. 
And oh, don't forget to have fun !

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